She’s One of the Boys ; The Struggle of Women Who Love Theology

I’ve wanted to build solid friendships with other Black Christian women for a while now. The first steps would be finding out where all my sisters are and going there. However, many of them are right in the space that I left behind, the motivational speaking focused non-denominational church that leaves us obsessed over our callings and not much else. I want so much to have relationships with my sisters but looking at the subjects of “bible studies” that are hosted are grievous. “How to prepare yourself to be found by Boaz”, “Being a Proverbs 31 Wife” but where are the studies that explain to us what the Gospel is? … Read More She’s One of the Boys ; The Struggle of Women Who Love Theology

An Unexpected Thank You to Beyonce

Black women whose skin is of a darker hue may often be overlooked, demeaned, criticized and generally not given a fair chance to shine. This is seen from the modeling industry, television and film all the way to the lives of regular everyday people. These criticisms historically and currently have often come from the Black community, statewide and worldwide. In different facets, the aim to destruct the deeper hued sisters has succeeded, given the high rates of skin bleaching in the African continents, West Indies and some even in the USA. … Read More An Unexpected Thank You to Beyonce